

SYNCK GRAPHICA Mailform Pro CGI vulnerable to information disclosure


Mailform Pro CGI provided by SYNCK GRAPHICA contains an information disclosure vulnerability (CWE-200).

Thanks module of this product saves user input data for a certain period of time. The time is set to 30 seconds by default in configs/thanks.cgi file. To exploit this vulerability, it is requireid for an attacker to access the affected product within in 30 seconds.

Yuji Tounai of Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc. reported this vulnerability to IPA.
JPCERT/CC coordinated with the developer under Information Security Early Warning Partnership.
CVSS Severity (What is CVSS?)

CVSS V3 Severity:
Base Metrics 3.1 (Low) [IPA Score]
  • Attack Vector: Network
  • Attack Complexity: High
  • Privileges Required: None
  • User Interaction: Required
  • Scope: Unchanged
  • Confidentiality Impact: Low
  • Integrity Impact: None
  • Availability Impact: None
CVSS V2 Severity:
Base Metrics 2.6 (Low) [IPA Score]
  • Access Vector: Network
  • Access Complexity: High
  • Authentication: None
  • Confidentiality Impact: Partial
  • Integrity Impact: None
  • Availability Impact: None
Affected Products

  • Mailform Pro CGI 4.3.1 and earlier

According to the developer, Mailform Pro CGI is affected when thanks module is enabled.

By having a use of the product to access a specially crafted by an attacker, the user input data may be disclosed.

[Update the Software]
Update the software to the latest version according to the information provided by the developer.

[Apply a workaround]
The following workaround may mitigate the impact of this vulnerability.
  • Disable thanks module
Vendor Information

CWE (What is CWE?)

  1. Information Exposure(CWE-200) [IPA Evaluation]
CVE (What is CVE?)

  1. CVE-2022-38400

  1. JVN : JVN#34205166
  2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) : CVE-2022-38400
Revision History

  • [2022/09/05]
      Web page was published
  • [2024/06/13]
      References : Content was added