

Remarshal unlimitedly expanding YAML alias nodes


Remarshal provided by Remarshal Project expands YAML alias nodes unlimitedly (CWE-674), hence Remarshal is vulnerable to Billion Laughs Attack.

Taichi Kotake of Sterra Security Co.,Ltd. / Akatsuki Games Inc. reported this vulnerability to IPA.
JPCERT/CC coordinated with the developer under Information Security Early Warning Partnership.
CVSS Severity (What is CVSS?)

CVSS V3 Severity:
Base Metrics 5.5 (Medium) [IPA Score]
  • Attack Vector: Local
  • Attack Complexity: Low
  • Privileges Required: None
  • User Interaction: Required
  • Scope: Unchanged
  • Confidentiality Impact: None
  • Integrity Impact: None
  • Availability Impact: High
CVSS V2 Severity:
Base Metrics 4.3 (Medium) [IPA Score]
  • Access Vector: Network
  • Access Complexity: Medium
  • Authentication: None
  • Confidentiality Impact: None
  • Integrity Impact: None
  • Availability Impact: Partial
Affected Products

Remarshal Project
  • Remarshal versions prior to v0.17.1


Processing untrusted YAML files may cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition.

[Update the Software]
Update to the latest version according to the information provided by the developer.
The developer has released the version listed below that addresses the vulnerability.
  • Remarshal v0.17.1
Vendor Information

Remarshal Project
CWE (What is CWE?)

  1. No Mapping(CWE-Other) [IPA Evaluation]
CVE (What is CVE?)

  1. CVE-2023-47163

  1. JVN : JVN#86156389
  2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) : CVE-2023-47163
  3. Related document : issue#45: Current version of the YAML specification could leave implementions open to Denial of Service Attacks
Revision History

  • [2023/11/10]
      Web page was published
  • [2024/05/08]
      References : Content was added